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United Township High School
Class Of 1970

Please share your news (milestone anniversaries, loss of family members or classmates, new additions to your family, retirements, etc.) or your suggestions for Lunch Bunch events to:

It's June!

There's an old Dolly Parton song with the lyric that says "You can't make old friends...". So true! How blessed we are to have friendships that have endured all these years. 

Lunch Bunch

The next Lunch Bunch gathering is scheduled at noon on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at Frank's in Silvis. If your plan to join us, please let Trudy know by July 3. Hope to see you there!


Congratulations to Jim and Linda Dieterich who celebrated their golden anniversary with a reception on March 2, 2024.

 Website Security

Whenever an email change or a password change is requested, I now will ask you to answer several questions so I can verify the request actually originated from a classmate. Please do not be offended by this extra step to try to maintain the security of our website and keep scammers out.

Webmaster: Trudy Mills Watson