United Township High School
Class Of 1970 |
Please share your news (milestone anniversaries, loss of family members or classmates, new additions to your family, retirements, etc.) or your suggestions for Lunch Bunch events to: tjwatson@mchsi.com.
I hope 2025 is off to a great start for you!
There's an old Dolly Parton song with the lyric that says "You can't make old friends...". So true! How blessed we are to have friendships that have endured all these years.
Lunch Bunch
Save the date: Saturday, March 1, 2025 for the next Lunch Bunch gathering. The location will be announced soon.
Attention Former UTHS Wrestlers
A get-together is beng organized for Hall of Fame Coach Bert Hanlin, probably in May or June 2025 to honor our former wrestling coach.
The Quad-Cities was a hotbed of high school wrestling when we were in high school and East Moline was in the middle of it. If you would like to be part of this celebration, contact Steve Montez at smontez@ameritech.net or (309) 691-1805 or contact Gary Kight at kightga50@gmail.com or (309) 738-5513.
All former UT Wrestlers are invited!
Bob and Jane Gardner celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on February 1, 2025. Congratulations to the Gardners on their golden anniversary! ❤️
Congratulations to Larry and Kathy (Kerns) Crain who celebrated their "10 year anniversary of their first date" which occurred at our Lunch Bunch holiday potluck. They brought delicious fudge and a variety of treats for the group at our most recent Lunch Bunch gathering. Wishing the Crains many, many more milestones and anniversaries! ❤️
Congratulations to Mike Oliver for reaching his goal of completing a marathon (26.2 miles) in each of the 50 states plus Washington, DC. Mike has completed over 90 marathons to date! Impressive! 🏃
Website Security
Whenever an email change or a password change is requested, I now will ask you to answer several questions so I can verify the request actually originated from a classmate. Please do not be offended by this extra step to try to maintain the security of our website and keep scammers out.
Webmaster: Trudy Mills Watson
- E-mail: tjwatson@mchsi.com
- Last Updated: February 2, 2025